Gevent is an efficient coroutine-based asynchronous concurrency framework, it is based on libev and greenlet. If you don't know how greenlet works, recommend to read this. If you only want to know how to use gevent, recommend you read
Greenlet diagram
First an example from official website.
>>> import gevent
>>> from gevent import socket
>>> urls = ['', '', '']
>>> jobs = [gevent.spawn(socket.gethostbyname, url) for url in urls]
>>> gevent.joinall(jobs, timeout=2)
>>> [job.value for job in jobs]
['', '', '']
In this example gevent retrieve three ips from web concurrently.
jobs = [gevent.spawn(socket.gethostbyname, url) for url in urls]
create three task greenlets, and
gevent.joinall(jobs, timeout=2)
wait all the three task greenlets finished.
This is the greenlet diagram of the program.
+----> | task|
| +-----+
+-------+ +-----++ +-----+
| main +----> | hub |-----> | task|
+-------+ +-----++ +-----+
| +-----+
+----> | task|
How it works
is the default greenlet, task
is the greenlet that do the real job, hub
greenlet is the core of gevent, it cooperates all other greenlets, including main
So what is hub
? hub
is where gevent use libev. When gevent initializes, it create hub
first, and hub
is singleton, only one hub
exists in the thread.
def get_hub(*args, **kwargs):
"""Return the hub for the current thread.
If hub does not exists in the current thread, the new one is created with call to :meth:`get_hub_class`.
global _threadlocal
return _threadlocal.hub
except AttributeError:
hubtype = get_hub_class()
hub = _threadlocal.hub = hubtype(*args, **kwargs)
return hub
When use do gevent.spawn
, gevent will create a task greenlet using hub
as parent.
spawn = Greenlet.spawn
class Greenlet(greenlet):
"""A light-weight cooperatively-scheduled execution unit."""
def __init__(self, run=None, *args, **kwargs):
hub = get_hub()
greenlet.__init__(self, parent=hub)
def start(self):
"""Schedule the greenlet to run in this loop iteration"""
self._start_event = self.parent.loop.run_callback(self.switch)
def spawn(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a new :class:`Greenlet` object, scheduled to start.
The arguments are passed to :meth:`Greenlet.__init__`.
g = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return g
At the begining, we said gevent use libev, here self.parent.loop.run_callback(self.switch)
, loop
is from libev, we register the new created task greenlet to loop
. when the loop
runs, it will execute the task greenlet.
So when loop
runs, when main
do some block operations, it will switch to hub
def run(self):
assert self is getcurrent(), 'Do not call directly'
while True:
loop = self.loop
loop.error_handler = self
loop.error_handler = None # break the refcount cycle
self.parent.throw(LoopExit('This operation would block forever'))
will be executed, so loop
can choose one greenlet to run, when the greenlet is also block or finished, it will choose another one to run.
Next explain monkeypatch